28th May 2017

1. Marriage Enrichment Workshop - Say I Do Again by Steven & Agnes
- 10th June 2017
- GBCC Sunflower Hall (4th Floor)
- 3.00pm - 6.30pm
- Please register yourself with your sector representative & make the payment ASAP

2. Special Parenting Meeting by John Louis
- 31st May 2017
- GBCC Iris Hall (3rd Floor)
- 8.00pm - 10.00pm
- Babysitting: Parents, please drop your children to Church Office by 7:30pm onwards, there won't be any babysitting in GBCC due to limited room.

3. Campus and Youth Meeting with David Louis
- 31st May 2017
- GBCC (M Floor)
- 8.00pm - 10.00pm

4. Raymond and Mun's 15th year anniversary

5. Sunday service
- 4th June 2017
- 10.30am - 12.30pm
- GBCC Sunflower Hall (4th Floor)
28th May 2017 28th May 2017 Reviewed by Anonymous on 10:03:00 Rating: 5

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